Dear Ethel, Family and friends,

Plans are well advanced now for our trip to Vietnam, we are patiently waiting for our passports with visas to come back from the Vietnamese Consulate in Canberra. We have spent the last two week at the Sea English office in Maroochydore in preparation for our new jobs. Initially we will be running IELTS (International English Language Testing Scheme) classes for skilled immigrants to Australia, so we have been sitting in on some classes in Maroochydore. We are still waiting on information on the address and contact details of where we will be staying but it will be in District 1, right in the middle of Saigon. We will have land lines and mobiles when we arrive, so we will be contactable more readily than the last year and we should have a permanent internet connection so our Skype connection will be on.
We sold our beloved campervan today and got a bit teary as she drove off, but to a good home so all turned out well there. Things seem to be falling into place now and we are now waiting with our suitcases half closed for the green light which might happen tomorrow. We’ll keep you posted.
All the best for now
Ric & Louise
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